
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef hpp_CPP_Container_CPP_hpp
00002 #define hpp_CPP_Container_CPP_hpp
00004 // We need Bool2Type declaration
00005 #include "../Types/Bool2Type.hpp"
00009 namespace Container
00010 {
00011     namespace PrivateGenericImplementation
00012     {
00014         template <typename T> 
00015         struct MemoryPolicy
00016         {
00018             static void Copy(T & dest, const T & src);
00020             static void CopyArray(T * dest, const T * src, const size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize);
00024             static void CopyArray(T *& dest, const T * src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize);
00026             static T & DefaultElement(); // This method can throw
00028             static size_t Search(const T* array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor);
00030             static size_t ReverseSearch(const T* array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor);
00032             static T * NonDestructiveAlloc(const T* array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const T & fillWith);
00034             static T * Insert(const T* array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const size_t & index, const T & elementToInsert);
00036             static void DeleteArray(const T * array, const size_t & currentSize);
00038             static bool CompareArray(const T * array1, const T * array2, const size_t & commonSize);
00039         };
00050         template <typename T, class Policy = MemoryPolicy<T>, bool ExactSize = false> 
00051         class Array
00052         {
00053         private:
00054             enum { elementSize = sizeof(T) };
00055         public:
00057             inline Array() : array(NULL), currentSize(0), allocatedSize(0)  { }
00059             inline Array(const Array & other) : array(NULL), currentSize(0), allocatedSize(0) { *this = other; }
00061             ~Array()        { Clear(); }
00064         // Interface
00065         public:
00067             inline void Clear() { Clear(NULL); }
00070             inline void Append(const T & ref) throw() { Add(ref, (Bool2Type<ExactSize> * )0); }
00074             inline void insertBefore(uint32 index, const T & ref) throw() { Insert(index, ref, (Bool2Type<ExactSize> * )0); }
00078             inline void Remove(uint32 index) throw() { Remove(index, (Bool2Type<ExactSize> * )0); }
00082             inline const Array& operator = ( const Array & other)
00083             {
00084                 if (&other == this) return *this;
00085                 Policy::CopyArray(array, other.array, allocatedSize, other.currentSize);
00086                 currentSize = other.currentSize;
00087                 return *this;
00088             }
00091             inline size_t getSize() const { return currentSize; }
00096             inline T & operator [] (uint32 index) { return index < currentSize ? array[index] : Policy::DefaultElement(); }
00101             inline const T & operator [] (uint32 index) const { return index < currentSize ? array[index] : Policy::DefaultElement(); }
00106             inline uint32 indexOf(const T & objectToSearch) { return Policy::Search(array, currentSize, objectToSearch); }
00111             inline uint32 lastIndexOf(const T & objectToSearch) { return Policy::ReverseSearch(array, currentSize, objectToSearch); }
00113             inline T & getElementAtUncheckedPosition(uint32 index) { return array[index]; }
00115             inline const T & getElementAtUncheckedPosition(uint32 index) const { return array[index]; }
00117             inline bool operator == (const Array & other) { return other.currentSize == currentSize && Policy::CompareArray(array, other.array, currentSize); }
00120         private:
00122             inline void Add(const T & ref, Bool2Type<true> *) throw()
00123             {
00124                 array = Policy::NonDestructiveAlloc(array, currentSize, currentSize+1, ref);
00125                 if (array == NULL) { Reset(); return; }
00126                 allocatedSize = ++currentSize;
00127             }
00129             inline void Add(const T & ref, Bool2Type<false> *) throw()
00130             {
00131                 // Check if the array needs reallocation
00132                 if (currentSize >= allocatedSize)
00133                 {
00134                     // Need to realloc the data
00135                     if (allocatedSize == 0) allocatedSize = 2; else allocatedSize *= 2;
00136                     array = Policy::NonDestructiveAlloc(array, currentSize, allocatedSize, Policy::DefaultElement());
00137                     if (array == NULL) { Reset(); return; } 
00138                 }
00139                 // Copy the data
00140                 Policy::Copy(array[currentSize],ref);
00141                 currentSize ++;
00142             }
00145             inline void Insert(uint32 index, const T & ref, Bool2Type<true> * t) throw()
00146             {
00147                 if (index >= currentSize) { Add(ref, t); return; }
00148                 array = Policy::Insert(array, currentSize, currentSize+1, index, ref);
00149                 if (array == NULL) { Reset(); return; }
00150                 allocatedSize = ++currentSize;
00151             }
00153             inline void Insert(uint32 index, const T & ref, Bool2Type<false> * t) throw()
00154             {
00155                 if (index >= currentSize) { Add(ref, t); return; }
00156                 // Check if the array needs reallocation
00157                 if (currentSize >= allocatedSize)
00158                 {
00159                     // Need to realloc the data
00160                     if (allocatedSize == 0) allocatedSize = 2; else allocatedSize *= 2;
00161                     array = Policy::Insert(array, currentSize, allocatedSize, index, ref);
00162                     if (array == NULL) { Reset(); return; } 
00163                 } else
00164                 {   // Need to move the data
00165                     uint32 i = currentSize;
00166                     for (; i > index; i--)
00167                         Policy::Copy(array[i], array[i - 1]);
00168                     Policy::Copy(array[i], ref);
00169                 }
00170                 currentSize ++;
00171             }
00174             inline void Remove(uint32 index, Bool2Type<true> *) throw()
00175             {
00176                 if (index < currentSize)
00177                 {
00178                     T * newArray = Policy::NonDestructiveAlloc(NULL, 0, currentSize - 1, Policy::DefaultElement());
00179                     if (newArray == NULL) return;
00180                     // Copy the data before the index
00181                     Policy::CopyArray(newArray, array, currentSize - 1, index);
00182                     // Copy the data after the index
00183                     Policy::CopyArray(&newArray[index], &array[index+1], currentSize - 1, currentSize - index - 1);
00184                     // Then switch the pointers
00185                     allocatedSize = --currentSize;
00186                     // Delete the previous array
00187                     Policy::DeleteArray(array, allocatedSize + 1);
00189                     array = newArray;
00190                 }
00191             }
00194             inline void Remove(uint32 index, Bool2Type<false> *) throw()
00195             {
00196                 if (index < currentSize)
00197                 {
00198                     // Copy the data after the index
00199                     Policy::CopyArray(&array[index], &array[index+1], currentSize - 1, currentSize - index - 1);
00200                     // Then switch the pointers
00201                     --currentSize;
00202                 }
00203             }
00207             inline void Reset() { currentSize = 0; allocatedSize = 0; array = NULL; }
00211             inline void Clear(T * ref) 
00212             {   Policy::DeleteArray(array, allocatedSize);  Reset(); }
00213         private:
00215             T *                                                     array;
00217             size_t                                                  currentSize;
00219             size_t                                                  allocatedSize;
00220         };
00224         template <typename T>
00225         struct MemoryListPolicy 
00226         {
00228             static void CopyPtr(T* & dest, T* const & src);
00230             static void CopyArray(T** dest,  T** const src, const size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize);
00234             static void CopyArray(T**& dest,  T** const src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize);
00238             static void DuplicateArray(T**& dest, T** const src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize); 
00242             static size_t Search(T** const array, const size_t & arraySize, T* const & valueToLookFor);
00244             static size_t ReverseSearch(T** const array, const size_t & arraySize, T* const & valueToLookFor);
00246             static size_t SearchRef(const T** array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor);
00248             static T& DefaultSubElement();
00250             static T* DefaultElement();
00251             static T** NonDestructiveAlloc(T** const array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, T* const & fillWith);
00252             static T* * Insert(T** const array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const size_t & index, T* const & elementToInsert);
00254             static void DeleteArray(T* * const array, const size_t & currentSize); 
00256             static void Remove(T * const data);
00258             static bool CompareArray(T** const array1, T** const array2, const size_t & commonSize);
00259         };
00287         template <typename TElem, class Policy = MemoryListPolicy<TElem>, bool ExactSize = false> 
00288         class IndexList
00289         {
00290         private:
00291             enum { elementSize = sizeof(TElem) };
00292             typedef TElem * TPtr;
00293         public:
00295             inline IndexList() : array(NULL), currentSize(0), allocatedSize(0)  { }
00297             inline IndexList(const IndexList & other) : array(NULL), currentSize(0), allocatedSize(0) { *this = other; }
00299             ~IndexList()        { Clear(); }
00302         // Interface
00303         public:
00305             inline void Clear() { Clear(NULL); }
00308             inline void Append(const TPtr & ref) throw() { Add(ref, (Bool2Type<ExactSize> * )0); }
00313             inline void insertBefore(uint32 index, const TPtr & ref) throw() { Insert(index, ref, (Bool2Type<ExactSize> * )0); }
00317             inline void Remove(uint32 index) throw() { Remove(index, (Bool2Type<ExactSize> * )0); }
00321             inline const IndexList& operator = ( const IndexList & other)
00322             {
00323                 if (&other == this) return *this;
00324                 Policy::DuplicateArray(array, other.array, allocatedSize, other.currentSize);
00325                 currentSize = other.currentSize;
00326                 return *this;
00327             }
00330             inline size_t getSize() const { return currentSize; }
00335             inline TElem & operator [] (uint32 index) { return index < currentSize ? *array[index] : Policy::DefaultSubElement(); }
00340             inline uint32 indexOf(const TPtr & objectToSearch) { return Policy::Search(array, currentSize, objectToSearch); }
00345             inline uint32 lastIndexOf(const TPtr & objectToSearch) { return Policy::ReverseSearch(array, currentSize, objectToSearch); }
00350             inline uint32 indexOfMatching(const TElem & objectToSearch) { return Policy::SearchRef(array, currentSize, objectToSearch); }
00352             inline TPtr & getElementAtUncheckedPosition(uint32 index) { return array[index]; }
00354             inline bool operator == (const IndexList & other) { return other.currentSize == currentSize && Policy::CompareArray(array, other.array, currentSize); }
00357         private:
00359             inline void Add(const TPtr & ref, Bool2Type<true> *) throw()
00360             {
00361                 array = Policy::NonDestructiveAlloc(array, currentSize, currentSize+1, ref);
00362                 if (array == NULL) { Reset(); return; }
00363                 allocatedSize = ++currentSize;
00364             }
00366             inline void Add(const TPtr & ref, Bool2Type<false> *) throw()
00367             {
00368                 // Check if the array needs reallocation
00369                 if (currentSize >= allocatedSize)
00370                 {
00371                     // Need to realloc the data
00372                     if (allocatedSize == 0) allocatedSize = 2; else allocatedSize *= 2;
00373                     array = Policy::NonDestructiveAlloc(array, currentSize, allocatedSize, Policy::DefaultElement());
00374                     if (array == NULL) { Reset(); return; } 
00375                 }
00376                 // Copy the data
00377                 Policy::CopyPtr(array[currentSize], ref);
00378                 currentSize ++;
00379             }
00382             inline void Insert(uint32 index, const TPtr & ref, Bool2Type<true> * t) throw()
00383             {
00384                 if (index >= currentSize) { Add(ref, t); return; }
00385                 array = Policy::Insert(array, currentSize, currentSize+1, index, ref);
00386                 if (array == NULL) { Reset(); return; }
00387                 allocatedSize = ++currentSize;
00388             }
00390             inline void Insert(uint32 index, const TPtr & ref, Bool2Type<false> * t) throw()
00391             {
00392                 if (index >= currentSize) { Add(ref, t); return; }
00393                 // Check if the array needs reallocation
00394                 if (currentSize >= allocatedSize)
00395                 {
00396                     // Need to realloc the data
00397                     if (allocatedSize == 0) allocatedSize = 2; else allocatedSize *= 2;
00398                     array = Policy::Insert(array, currentSize, allocatedSize, index, ref);
00399                     if (array == NULL) { Reset(); return; } 
00400                 } else
00401                 {   // Need to move the data
00402                     uint32 i = currentSize;
00403                     for (; i > index; i--)
00404                         Policy::CopyPtr(array[i], array[i - 1]);
00405                     Policy::CopyPtr(array[i], ref);
00406                 }
00407                 currentSize ++;
00408             }
00411             inline void Remove(uint32 index, Bool2Type<true> *) throw()
00412             {
00413                 if (index < currentSize)
00414                 {
00415                     TPtr * newArray = Policy::NonDestructiveAlloc(NULL, 0, currentSize - 1, Policy::DefaultElement());
00416                     if (newArray == NULL) return;
00417                     // Copy the data before the index
00418                     Policy::CopyArray(newArray, array, currentSize - 1, index);
00419                     // Copy the data after the index
00420                     Policy::CopyArray(&newArray[index], &array[index+1], currentSize - 1, currentSize - index - 1);
00421                     // Then switch the pointers
00422                     allocatedSize = --currentSize;
00423                     // Delete the previous array
00424                     Policy::DeleteArray(array, allocatedSize + 1);
00426                     array = newArray;
00427                 }
00428             }
00431             inline void Remove(uint32 index, Bool2Type<false> *) throw()
00432             {
00433                 if (index < currentSize)
00434                 {
00435                     // Remove the given data
00436                     Policy::Remove(array[index]);
00437                     // Copy the data after the index
00438                     Policy::CopyArray(&array[index], &array[index+1], currentSize - 1, currentSize - index - 1);
00439                     // Then switch the pointers
00440                     --currentSize;
00441                     // Zero the last element
00442                     array[currentSize] = Policy::DefaultElement(); 
00443                 }
00444             }
00448             inline void Reset() { currentSize = 0; allocatedSize = 0; array = NULL; }
00452             inline void Clear(TPtr *) 
00453             {   Policy::DeleteArray(array, allocatedSize);  Reset(); }
00454         private:
00456             TElem **                                                array;
00458             size_t                                                  currentSize;
00460             size_t                                                  allocatedSize;
00461         };
00466         template <typename T>
00467         struct SearchPolicyInterface
00468         {
00469             typedef T & Result;
00471             static Result DefaultValue(); 
00473             static Result From(T * x);
00475             static bool   Compare(const T & a, const T & b);
00478             enum { DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable };
00479         };
00483         template <bool flag>
00484         struct SelectImpl
00485         {
00486             template <class T, class U>
00487             struct In
00488             {
00489                 typedef T Result;
00490             };
00491         };
00495         template <>
00496         struct SelectImpl<false>
00497         {
00498             template <class T, class U>
00499             struct In
00500             {
00501                 typedef U Result;
00502             };
00503         };
00506         template <bool flag, typename T, typename U>
00507         struct Select
00508         {
00509             typedef typename SelectImpl<flag>::template In<T, U>::Result Result;
00510         };
00596         template <class U, unsigned int pow2 = 4, class SearchPolicy = SearchPolicyInterface<U> >
00597         class ChainedList 
00598         {
00599         public:
00601             enum 
00602             {
00603                 ChainedEnd      = -1,           
00604                 ChainedError    = ChainedEnd,   
00605                 ChainedStart    = 0,            
00606                 ChainedBS       = 1<<pow2,      
00607             };
00609         private:    
00611             class NodeNotCopyable
00612             {
00613             public:
00615                 NodeNotCopyable   * mpxPrevious;
00617                 NodeNotCopyable   * mpxNext;
00619                 U *             mpuElement;
00623                 NodeNotCopyable(U* t = NULL) : mpxPrevious(NULL), mpxNext(NULL), mpuElement(t) {}
00625                 ~NodeNotCopyable() 
00626                 { 
00627                     if (mpuElement!=NULL) delete mpuElement; 
00628                 }
00631                 void    Set(U* t) { mpuElement = t; }
00633                 U&      Get() { return (*mpuElement); }
00634             };
00637             class NodeCopyable 
00638             {
00639             public:
00641                 NodeCopyable   *    mpxPrevious;
00643                 NodeCopyable   *    mpxNext;
00645                 U *             mpuElement;
00646             public:
00648                 NodeCopyable(U* t = NULL) : mpxPrevious(NULL), mpxNext(NULL), mpuElement(t) {}
00650                 ~NodeCopyable() 
00651                 { 
00652                     if (mpuElement!=NULL) delete mpuElement; 
00653                 }
00656                 void    Set(U* t) { mpuElement = t; }
00658                 U&      Get() { return (*mpuElement); }
00660                 // Add the copy interface
00661             public:
00663                 NodeCopyable(const U& t) : mpxPrevious(NULL), mpxNext(NULL) { mpuElement = new U(t); }
00665                 void    Set(const U& t) { mpuElement = new U(t); }
00667             };
00669             typedef typename Select<SearchPolicy::DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable, NodeCopyable, NodeNotCopyable>::Result Node; 
00672             typedef typename Select<SearchPolicy::DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable, U&, U*>::Result                  DefaultParamType;
00673             typedef typename Select<SearchPolicy::DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable, const U&, const U*>::Result      DefaultConstParamType;
00675         private:
00677             template <unsigned int size>
00678             class LinearBlock
00679             {
00680                 // Members
00681             private:
00683                 LinearBlock *   spxNext;
00685                 LinearBlock *   spxPrevious;
00687                 Node            sapxBlock[size];
00689                 unsigned char   soUsed;
00691                 // Construction
00692             public:
00694                 LinearBlock(LinearBlock * previous = NULL, LinearBlock * next = NULL) : spxPrevious(previous), spxNext(next) , soUsed(0)    {}          
00696                 ~LinearBlock()                             
00697                 { 
00698                     if ( spxNext!=NULL || spxPrevious!=NULL)
00699                     {
00700                         if (spxNext!=NULL)  
00701                             spxNext->spxPrevious = spxPrevious;
00702                         if (spxPrevious!=NULL)  
00703                             spxPrevious->spxNext = spxNext;
00705                         spxNext = spxPrevious = NULL; 
00706                     }
00707                 }
00709                 // Interface
00710             public:
00712                 inline void Connect(LinearBlock * previous, LinearBlock * next)     { spxPrevious = previous; spxNext = next; } 
00714                 inline void Delete() 
00715                 {       
00716                     if (spxNext!=NULL)  
00717                         spxNext->spxPrevious = spxPrevious;
00718                     if (spxPrevious!=NULL)  
00719                         spxPrevious->spxNext = spxNext;
00721                     spxNext = spxPrevious = NULL; 
00722                     delete this;
00723                 }
00726                 inline LinearBlock<size> * GoFirst()    {  LinearBlock<size>* pNode = this; while (pNode->spxPrevious != NULL) pNode = spxPrevious; return pNode; }
00728                 inline LinearBlock<size> * GoLast()     {  LinearBlock<size>* pNode = this; while (pNode->spxNext != NULL) pNode = spxNext; return pNode; }
00732                 inline bool CreateNewBlock()
00733                 {   
00734                     if (spxNext!=NULL) return false;
00735                     LinearBlock<size>* pNode = new LinearBlock<size>(this, NULL);
00736                     if (pNode == NULL) return false; 
00737                     else               spxNext = pNode;
00738                     return true;
00739                 }
00742                 inline Node * GetData()     {   return &sapxBlock[0]; }
00744                 LinearBlock<size> * Find(Node * pNode)
00745                 { 
00746                     if (pNode==NULL) return NULL; 
00747                     LinearBlock<size> * pBlock = GoFirst(); 
00748                     LinearBlock<size> * pEnd = GoLast();
00749                     for (; pBlock != pEnd; pBlock = pBlock->spxNext)
00750                           if ( pNode >= pBlock->GetData() && pNode <= pBlock->GetData() + size) return pBlock;
00751                     return NULL;
00752                 }
00754             private:
00761                 bool DeleteAll() 
00762                 { 
00763                     LinearBlock<size>* pNode2, *pNode = GoFirst(); 
00764                     if (pNode == NULL) return false;
00765                     if (pNode->spxNext == NULL) 
00766                     {
00767                         pNode->Delete();
00768                         pNode = NULL;
00769                         return true;
00770                     }
00772                     // Goto second pointer until next pointer is different from null , advance to next
00773                     for (; pNode != NULL; )
00774                     {
00775                         pNode2 = pNode->spxNext;
00776                         pNode->Delete();
00777                         pNode = pNode2;
00778                     }
00779                     return true; 
00780                 }
00781             public:
00782                 friend class ChainedList<U, pow2, SearchPolicy>;
00783             };
00785             // Members
00786         private:
00788             Node *          mpxFirst;
00790             Node *          mpxLast;
00792             mutable Node *  mpxCurrent;
00794             unsigned int    mlNumberOfNodes;
00797             unsigned int                        mlNumberOfBlocks;
00799 //          unsigned int                        mlBlockSize;
00801             LinearBlock<ChainedBS> *    mpxBlock;
00803             LinearBlock<ChainedBS> *    mpxBLast;
00805         private:
00809             bool                        mbUseBlocks;
00811             bool                        mbIntegrity;
00813             // Properties
00814         public:
00816             inline unsigned int getSize() const { return mlNumberOfNodes; }
00818             // Interface 
00819         public:
00829             bool Add(DefaultConstParamType, const unsigned int& = ChainedEnd);
00833             bool Add(U*, const unsigned int& = ChainedEnd);
00838             bool Insert(DefaultConstParamType, const unsigned int& = ChainedStart);
00845             bool Sub(const unsigned int& = ChainedEnd);
00850             bool Remove(const unsigned int& = ChainedStart);
00856             unsigned int indexOf(DefaultConstParamType);
00861             unsigned int lastIndexOf(DefaultConstParamType);
00864             bool Swap(const unsigned int &, const unsigned int &);
00866             // Helpers functions
00867         private:
00869             inline Node * CreateNode();
00871             inline Node * Goto(const unsigned int &);
00873             inline bool UseBlocks(const bool &);
00875             bool Connect(Node *, Node *, Node *);
00877         public:
00881             bool Add(const ChainedList&, const unsigned int & = ChainedEnd);
00886             bool Free();
00889             bool Change(DefaultConstParamType, const unsigned int &);
00896             U * parseList(const bool & bInit = false) const;
00900             U * parseListStart(const unsigned int & uiPos = ChainedEnd) const;
00906             U * reverseParseList(const bool & bInit = false) const;
00910             U * reverseParseListStart(const unsigned int & uiPos = ChainedEnd) const;
00913             // Operators 
00914         public:
00919             inline typename SearchPolicy::Result operator [] (const unsigned int &i)                  
00920             {   Node * pNode = Goto(i); 
00921                 if (pNode == NULL)    return SearchPolicy::DefaultValue();  
00922                 return SearchPolicy::From(pNode->mpuElement); 
00923             }
00926             inline ChainedList& operator += (DefaultConstParamType a)       { this->Add(a); return (*this); }
00928             inline ChainedList& operator -= (DefaultConstParamType a)       { unsigned int i = this->lastIndexOf(a); if (i!=ChainedEnd) this->Sub(i); return (*this); }
00931             inline ChainedList operator + (DefaultConstParamType a) const   { return ChainedList(*this)+= a; }
00932             inline ChainedList operator - (DefaultConstParamType a) const   { return ChainedList(*this)-= a; }
00935             inline ChainedList& operator = (const ChainedList& );
00937             inline ChainedList& operator += (const ChainedList& a)  { this->Add(a); return (*this); }
00940             inline ChainedList& operator + (const ChainedList& a) const { return ChainedList(*this)+= a; }
00945             inline bool moveAppendedList(ChainedList & a)
00946             {
00947                 if (mlNumberOfNodes) 
00948                 {
00949                     if (!a.Add(*this, ChainedStart)) return false;
00950                 }
00951                 mpxBlock = a.mpxBlock;
00952                 mpxBLast = a.mpxBLast;
00953                 mpxFirst = a.mpxFirst;
00954                 mpxLast = a.mpxLast;
00955                 mpxCurrent = a.mpxCurrent;
00956                 mlNumberOfNodes = a.mlNumberOfNodes;
00957                 mlNumberOfBlocks = a.mlNumberOfBlocks;
00958                 mbUseBlocks = a.mbUseBlocks;
00959                 mbIntegrity = a.mbIntegrity;
00961                 a.mpxBlock = a.mpxBLast = NULL;
00962                 a.mpxFirst = a.mpxLast = a.mpxCurrent = NULL;
00963                 a.mlNumberOfNodes = a.mlNumberOfBlocks = 0;
00964                 a.mbIntegrity = true;
00965                 return true;
00966             }
00968             // Construction
00969         public:
00971             ChainedList();
00973             ~ChainedList();
00976             ChainedList(const ChainedList &);
00978         };
00981         // Inclusion for template definition, and implementation (it's too big to be implemented here)
00982         #include "template/ChainedList.hpp"
00983     }
00997     namespace PlainOldDataPolicy
00998     {
01000         template <typename T>
01001         struct DefaultMemoryPolicy
01002         {
01004             inline static size_t min(size_t a, size_t b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
01006             inline static void Copy(T & dest, const T & src) { dest = src; }
01008             inline static void CopyArray(T * dest, const T * src, const size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize) { memcpy(dest, src, min(srcSize, destSize) * sizeof(T)); }
01010             inline static void CopyArray(T *& dest, const T * src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize)
01011             {
01012                 if (destSize < srcSize)
01013                 {
01014                     // Need to resize the array
01015                     T* tmp = (T*)realloc(NULL, srcSize * sizeof(T));
01016                     if (tmp == NULL) { DeleteArray(dest, destSize); dest = NULL; destSize = 0; return;  }
01018                     memcpy(tmp, src, srcSize * sizeof(T));
01020                     // Erase the previous array
01021                     DeleteArray(dest, destSize); 
01022                     dest = tmp;
01024                     destSize = srcSize;
01025                 } else memcpy(dest, src, srcSize * sizeof(T));
01026             }
01028             inline static T& DefaultElement() { static T t(0); return t; }
01030             inline static size_t Search(const T* array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor) { size_t i = 0; while (i < arraySize && array[i] != valueToLookFor) i++; return i; }
01032             inline static size_t ReverseSearch(const T* array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor) { size_t i = arraySize; while (i && array[i-1] != valueToLookFor) i--; return i ? i - 1 : arraySize; }
01034             inline static T * NonDestructiveAlloc(const T* array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const T & fillWith)
01035             {
01036                 T * ret = (T*)realloc((void*)array, newSize * sizeof(T));
01037                 if (ret == NULL) { free((void*)array); return NULL; }
01038                 size_t i = currentSize;
01039                 for (; i < newSize; i++) 
01040                     ret[i] = fillWith;
01042                 return ret;
01043             }
01046             static T * Insert(const T* array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const size_t & index, const T & elementToInsert)
01047             {
01048                 T * ret = (T*)realloc((void*)array, newSize * sizeof(T));
01049                 if (ret == NULL) { free((void*)array); return NULL; }
01051                 size_t i = newSize - 1;
01052                 for (; i > currentSize; i--)
01053                     ret[i] = DefaultElement();
01054                 for (; i > index; i--) 
01055                     ret[i] = ret[i-1];
01057                 ret[index] = elementToInsert;
01059                 return ret;
01060             }
01062             inline static void DeleteArray(const T * array, const size_t & currentSize) { free((void*)array); }
01064             inline static bool CompareArray(const T * array1, const T * array2, const size_t & commonSize) { return memcmp(array1, array2, commonSize * sizeof(T)) == 0; }
01066         };
01068         template <typename T>
01069         struct CloneAsNew
01070         {
01071             inline static void Clone(T ** const dest, T ** const src, size_t size)
01072             {
01073                 while (size --)
01074                     dest[size] = new T(*src[size]);
01075             }
01077             inline static void Delete(T * data) 
01078             {
01079                 delete data;
01080             }
01081         };
01084         template <typename T, typename CloneMixin = CloneAsNew<T> >
01085         struct DefaultMemoryListPolicy 
01086         {
01088             typedef T * Tptr;
01089             typedef const Tptr * constPtr;
01091             inline static void CopyPtr(T* & dest, T* const & src)                                                   { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::Copy(dest, src); }
01092             inline static void CopyArray(T** dest,  T** const src, const size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize) { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::CopyArray(dest, src, destSize, srcSize); }
01093             inline static void CopyArray(T**& dest,  T** const src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize)      { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::CopyArray(dest, src, destSize, srcSize); }
01094             inline static void DuplicateArray(T**& dest, T** const src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize) 
01095             { 
01096                 if (destSize < srcSize)
01097                 {
01098                     // Need to resize the array
01099                     T** tmp = (T**)realloc(NULL, srcSize * sizeof(T*));
01100                     if (tmp == NULL) { DeleteArray(dest, destSize); dest = NULL; destSize = 0; return;  }
01102                     CloneMixin::Clone(tmp, src, srcSize);
01104                     // Erase the previous array
01105                     DeleteArray(dest, destSize); 
01106                     dest = tmp;
01108                     destSize = srcSize;
01109                 } else CloneMixin::Clone(dest, src, srcSize);
01110             }
01115             inline static size_t Search(T** const array, const size_t & arraySize, T* const & valueToLookFor)        { size_t i = 0; while (i < arraySize && !(array[i] == valueToLookFor)) i++; return i; }
01119             inline static size_t ReverseSearch(T** const array, const size_t & arraySize, T* const & valueToLookFor) { size_t i = arraySize; while (i && !(array[i-1] == valueToLookFor)) i--; return i ? i - 1 : arraySize; }
01121             inline static size_t SearchRef(const Tptr* array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor) { size_t i = 0; while (i < arraySize && *array[i] != valueToLookFor) i++; return i; }
01123             inline static T& DefaultSubElement() { static T t; return t; }
01125             inline static Tptr DefaultElement() { return 0; }
01126             inline static T** NonDestructiveAlloc(T** const array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, T* const & fillWith) { return DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::NonDestructiveAlloc(array, currentSize, newSize, fillWith); }
01127             inline static T* * Insert(T** const array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const size_t & index, T* const & elementToInsert) { return DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::Insert(array, currentSize, newSize, index, elementToInsert); }
01129             inline static void DeleteArray(Tptr * const array, const size_t & currentSize) 
01130             { 
01131                 // Delete all pointers in the array
01132                 for (size_t i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)
01133                 {
01134                     Remove(array[i]); array[i] = NULL;
01135                 }
01136                 free((void*)array); 
01137             }
01139             inline static void Remove(T * const data)             { CloneMixin::Delete(data); }
01143             inline static bool CompareArray(T** const array1, T** const array2, const size_t & commonSize) { constPtr end = array1 + commonSize; constPtr it = array1, it2 = array2; while (it != end) { if (!(*(*it++) == *(*it2++))) return false; } return true; }
01144         };
01146         template <typename T>
01147         struct SearchPolicy
01148         {
01149             typedef T & Result;
01150             inline static Result DefaultValue() { static T t(0); return t; }
01151             inline static Result From(T * x) { return *x; }
01152             inline static bool   Compare(const T & a, const T & b) { return a == b; }
01154             enum { DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable = true };
01155         };
01157     }
01160     template <typename T, class Policy = PlainOldDataPolicy::DefaultMemoryPolicy<T> >
01161     struct PlainOldData
01162     {
01166         typedef ::Container::PrivateGenericImplementation::Array<T, Policy, false> Array;
01170         typedef ::Container::PrivateGenericImplementation::IndexList<T, PlainOldDataPolicy::DefaultMemoryListPolicy<T>, false> IndexList;
01174         typedef ::Container::PrivateGenericImplementation::ChainedList<T, 4, PlainOldDataPolicy::SearchPolicy<T> > ChainedList;
01177     };
01198     namespace WithCopyConstructorPolicy
01199     {
01201         template <typename T>
01202         struct DefaultMemoryPolicy
01203         {
01204             typedef const T * constPtr;
01205             typedef const T constT;
01207             inline static void Copy(T & dest, const T & src) { dest.~T(); new(&dest) T(src); }
01209             inline static void CopyArray(T * dest, const T * src, const size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize) 
01210             { 
01211                 constPtr it = src, end = src + min(srcSize, destSize);
01212                 T * itd = dest;
01213                 while (it != end) 
01214                 {   // Destruct itd
01215                     itd->~T();
01216                     // Construct it again
01217                     new(itd) T(*it);
01218                     itd++, it++;
01219                 }
01220             }
01222             inline static void CopyArray(T *& dest, const T * src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize)
01223             {
01224                 if (destSize < srcSize)
01225                 {
01226                     // Need to resize the array
01227                     T* tmp = (T*)realloc(NULL, srcSize * sizeof(T));
01228                     if (tmp == NULL) { DeleteArray(dest, destSize); dest = NULL; destSize = 0; return;  }
01230                     size_t i = 0;
01231                     for (; i < srcSize; i++) 
01232                         new (&tmp[i]) T(src[i]);
01234                     // Erase the previous array
01235                     DeleteArray(dest, destSize); 
01236                     dest = tmp;
01238                     destSize = srcSize;
01239                 } else CopyArray((T*)dest, src, srcSize, srcSize);
01240             }
01242             inline static T & DefaultElement() { static T t; return t; }
01246             inline static size_t Search(const T* array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor) { size_t i = 0; while (i < arraySize && array[i] != valueToLookFor) i++; return i; }
01250             inline static size_t ReverseSearch(const T * array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor) { size_t i = arraySize; while (i && array[i-1] != valueToLookFor) i--; return i ? i - 1 : arraySize; }
01252             inline static T * NonDestructiveAlloc(const T* array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const T & fillWith)
01253             {
01254                 // Realloc here will not work. So let's do it the old way.
01255                 T * ret = (T*)malloc(newSize * sizeof(T));
01256                 if (ret == NULL) { DeleteArray(array, currentSize); return NULL; }
01258                 size_t i = 0;
01259                 for (; i < currentSize; i++) 
01260                     new (&ret[i]) T(array[i]);
01262                 for (; i < newSize; i++) 
01263                     new (&ret[i]) T(fillWith);
01265                 // Ok, let's delete the previous array
01266                 DeleteArray(array, currentSize);
01267                 return ret;
01268             }
01271             static T * Insert(const T* array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const size_t & index, const T & elementToInsert)
01272             {
01273                 T * ret = (T*)malloc(newSize * sizeof(T));
01274                 if (ret == NULL) { DeleteArray(array, currentSize); return NULL; }
01276                 size_t i = 0;
01277                 for (; i < index; i++) 
01278                     new (&ret[i]) T(array[i]);
01280                 new (&ret[index]) T(elementToInsert);
01282                 for (; i < currentSize; i++)
01283                     new (&ret[i+1]) T(array[i]);
01284                 for (; i < newSize - 1; i++) 
01285                     new (&ret[i+1]) T(DefaultElement());
01287                 // Ok, let's delete the previous array
01288                 DeleteArray(array, currentSize);
01289                 return ret;
01290             }
01293             inline static void DeleteArray(const T * array, const size_t & currentSize) 
01294             { 
01295                 if (!currentSize) return;
01296                 constPtr end = array + currentSize, it = array;
01297                 for (; it != end; it++) 
01298                     it->~T();
01300                 free((void*)array);
01301             }
01304             inline static bool CompareArray(const T * array1, const T * array2, const size_t & commonSize) { constPtr end = array1 + commonSize; constPtr it = array1, it2 = array2; while (it != end) { if (*it++ != *it2++) return false; } return true; }
01305         };
01308         template <typename T>
01309         struct SimplerMemoryPolicy
01310         {
01311             typedef const T * constPtr;
01312             inline static void Copy(T & dest, const T & src)                                                       { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T>::Copy(dest, src); }
01313             inline static void CopyArray(T * dest, const T * src, const size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize) { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T>::CopyArray(dest, src, destSize, srcSize); }
01314             inline static void CopyArray(T *& dest, const T * src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize)      { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T>::CopyArray(dest, src, destSize, srcSize); }
01315             inline static T & DefaultElement()                                                                     { return DefaultMemoryPolicy<T>::DefaultElement(); }
01319             inline static size_t Search(const T* array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor)        { size_t i = 0; while (i < arraySize && !(array[i] == valueToLookFor)) i++; return i; }
01323             inline static size_t ReverseSearch(const T* array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor) { size_t i = arraySize; while (i && !(array[i-1] == valueToLookFor)) i--; return i ? i - 1 : arraySize; }
01325             inline static T * NonDestructiveAlloc(const T* array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const T & fillWith) { return DefaultMemoryPolicy<T>::NonDestructiveAlloc(array, currentSize, newSize, fillWith); }
01326             inline static T * Insert(const T* array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const size_t & index, const T & elementToInsert) { return DefaultMemoryPolicy<T>::Insert(array, currentSize, newSize, index, elementToInsert); }
01327             inline static void DeleteArray(const T * array, const size_t & currentSize)                            { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T>::DeleteArray(array, currentSize); }
01330             inline static bool CompareArray(const T * array1, const T * array2, const size_t & commonSize) { constPtr end = array1 + commonSize; constPtr it = array1, it2 = array2; while (it != end) { if (!(*it++ == *it2++)) return false; } return true; }
01331         };
01333         template <typename T>
01334         struct CloneAsNew
01335         {
01336             inline static void Clone(T ** const dest, T ** const src, size_t size)
01337             {
01338                 while (size --)
01339                     dest[size] = new T(*src[size]);
01340             }
01342             inline static void Delete(T * data) 
01343             {
01344                 delete data;
01345             }
01346         };
01349         template <typename T, typename CloneMixin = CloneAsNew<T> >
01350         struct DefaultMemoryListPolicy 
01351         {
01353             typedef T * Tptr;
01354             typedef const Tptr * constPtr;
01356             inline static void CopyPtr(T* & dest, T* const & src)                                                   { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::Copy(dest, src); }
01357             inline static void CopyArray(T** dest,  T** const src, const size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize) { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::CopyArray(dest, src, destSize, srcSize); }
01358             inline static void CopyArray(T**& dest,  T** const src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize)      { DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::CopyArray(dest, src, destSize, srcSize); }
01359             inline static void DuplicateArray(T**& dest, T** const src, size_t & destSize, const size_t & srcSize) 
01360             { 
01361                 if (destSize < srcSize)
01362                 {
01363                     // Need to resize the array
01364                     T** tmp = (T**)realloc(NULL, srcSize * sizeof(T*));
01365                     if (tmp == NULL) { DeleteArray(dest, destSize); dest = NULL; destSize = 0; return;  }
01367                     CloneMixin::Clone(tmp, src, srcSize);
01369                     // Erase the previous array
01370                     DeleteArray(dest, destSize); 
01371                     dest = tmp;
01373                     destSize = srcSize;
01374                 } else CloneMixin::Clone(dest, src, srcSize);
01375             }
01380             inline static size_t Search(T** const array, const size_t & arraySize, T* const & valueToLookFor)        { size_t i = 0; while (i < arraySize && !(array[i] == valueToLookFor)) i++; return i; }
01384             inline static size_t ReverseSearch(T** const array, const size_t & arraySize, T* const & valueToLookFor) { size_t i = arraySize; while (i && !(array[i-1] == valueToLookFor)) i--; return i ? i - 1 : arraySize; }
01386             inline static size_t SearchRef(const Tptr* array, const size_t & arraySize, const T & valueToLookFor)    { size_t i = 0; while (i < arraySize && *array[i] != valueToLookFor) i++; return i; }
01388             inline static T& DefaultSubElement() { static T t; return t; }
01390             inline static Tptr DefaultElement() { return 0; }
01391             inline static T** NonDestructiveAlloc(T** const array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, T* const & fillWith) { return DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::NonDestructiveAlloc(array, currentSize, newSize, fillWith); }
01392             inline static T* * Insert(T** const array, const size_t & currentSize, const size_t & newSize, const size_t & index, T* const & elementToInsert) { return DefaultMemoryPolicy<T*>::Insert(array, currentSize, newSize, index, elementToInsert); }
01394             inline static void DeleteArray(Tptr * const array, const size_t & currentSize) 
01395             { 
01396                 // Delete all pointers in the array
01397                 for (size_t i = 0; i < currentSize; i++)
01398                 {
01399                     Remove(array[i]); array[i] = NULL;
01400                 }
01401                 free((void*)array); 
01402             }
01404             inline static void Remove(T * const data)             { CloneMixin::Delete(data); }
01407             inline static bool CompareArray(T** const array1, T** const array2, const size_t & commonSize) { constPtr end = array1 + commonSize; constPtr it = array1, it2 = array2; while (it != end) { if (!(*(*it++) == *(*it2++))) return false; } return true; }
01408         };
01411         template <typename T>
01412         struct SearchPolicy
01413         {
01414             typedef T & Result;
01415             inline static Result DefaultValue() { static T t; return t; }
01416             inline static Result From(T * x) { return *x; }
01417             inline static bool   Compare(const T & a, const T & b) { return a == b; }
01419             enum { DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable = true };
01420         };
01422     }
01425     namespace NotConstructiblePolicy
01426     {
01427         template <typename T>
01428         struct SearchPolicy
01429         {
01430             typedef T * Result;
01431             inline static Result DefaultValue() { return NULL; }
01432             inline static Result From(T * x) { return x; }
01433             inline static bool   Compare(const T & a, const T * b) { return &a == b; }
01435             enum { DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable = false };
01436         };
01437     }
01447     template <typename T, class Policy = WithCopyConstructorPolicy::DefaultMemoryPolicy<T> >
01448     struct WithCopyConstructorAndOperators
01449     {
01453         typedef ::Container::PrivateGenericImplementation::Array<T, Policy, true> Array;
01457         typedef ::Container::PrivateGenericImplementation::IndexList<T, WithCopyConstructorPolicy::DefaultMemoryListPolicy<T>, false> IndexList;
01461         typedef ::Container::PrivateGenericImplementation::ChainedList<T, 4, WithCopyConstructorPolicy::SearchPolicy<T> > ChainedList;
01462     };
01468     template <typename T, class Policy = WithCopyConstructorPolicy::SimplerMemoryPolicy<T> >
01469     struct WithCopyConstructor
01470     {
01474         typedef ::Container::PrivateGenericImplementation::Array<T, Policy, true> Array;
01478         typedef ::Container::PrivateGenericImplementation::IndexList<T, WithCopyConstructorPolicy::DefaultMemoryListPolicy<T>, false> IndexList;
01482         typedef ::Container::PrivateGenericImplementation::ChainedList<T, 4, WithCopyConstructorPolicy::SearchPolicy<T> > ChainedList;
01483     };
01486     namespace PrivateNotConstructibleImplementation
01487     {
01492         template <class U, unsigned int pow2 = 4, class SearchPolicy = NotConstructiblePolicy::SearchPolicy<U> >
01493         class ChainedList 
01494         {
01495         public:
01497             enum 
01498             {
01499                 ChainedEnd      = -1,           
01500                 ChainedError    = ChainedEnd,   
01501                 ChainedStart    = 0,            
01502                 ChainedBS       = 1<<pow2,      
01503             };
01505         private:    
01507             class NodeNotCopyable
01508             {
01509             public:
01511                 NodeNotCopyable   * mpxPrevious;
01513                 NodeNotCopyable   * mpxNext;
01515                 U *             mpuElement;
01519                 NodeNotCopyable(U* t = NULL) : mpxPrevious(NULL), mpxNext(NULL), mpuElement(t) {}
01521                 ~NodeNotCopyable() 
01522                 { 
01523                     if (mpuElement!=NULL) delete mpuElement; 
01524                 }
01527                 void    Set(U* t) { mpuElement = t; }
01529                 U&      Get() { return (*mpuElement); }
01530             };
01533             class NodeCopyable 
01534             {
01535             public:
01537                 NodeCopyable   *    mpxPrevious;
01539                 NodeCopyable   *    mpxNext;
01541                 U *         mpuElement;
01542             public:
01544                 NodeCopyable(U* t = NULL) : mpxPrevious(NULL), mpxNext(NULL), mpuElement(t) {}
01546                 ~NodeCopyable() 
01547                 { 
01548                     if (mpuElement!=NULL) delete mpuElement; 
01549                 }
01552                 void    Set(U* t) { mpuElement = t; }
01554                 U&      Get() { return (*mpuElement); }
01556                 // Add the copy interface
01557             public:
01559                 NodeCopyable(const U& t) : mpxPrevious(NULL), mpxNext(NULL) { mpuElement = new U(t); }
01561                 void    Set(const U& t) { mpuElement = new U(t); }
01563             };
01565             typedef typename PrivateGenericImplementation::Select<SearchPolicy::DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable, NodeCopyable, NodeNotCopyable>::Result Node; 
01568             typedef typename PrivateGenericImplementation::Select<SearchPolicy::DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable, U&, U*>::Result                  DefaultParamType;
01569             typedef typename PrivateGenericImplementation::Select<SearchPolicy::DefaultConstructibleAndCopyable, const U&, U* const>::Result      DefaultConstParamType;
01570         private:
01572             template <unsigned int size>
01573             class LinearBlock
01574             {
01575                 // Members
01576             private:
01578                 LinearBlock *   spxNext;
01580                 LinearBlock *   spxPrevious;
01582                 Node            sapxBlock[size];
01584                 unsigned char   soUsed;
01586                 // Construction
01587             public:
01589                 LinearBlock(LinearBlock * previous = NULL, LinearBlock * next = NULL) : spxPrevious(previous), spxNext(next) , soUsed(0)    {}          
01591                 ~LinearBlock()                             
01592                 { 
01593                     if ( spxNext!=NULL || spxPrevious!=NULL)
01594                     {
01595                         if (spxNext!=NULL)  
01596                             spxNext->spxPrevious = spxPrevious;
01597                         if (spxPrevious!=NULL)  
01598                             spxPrevious->spxNext = spxNext;
01600                         spxNext = spxPrevious = NULL; 
01601                     }
01602                 }
01604                 // Interface
01605             public:
01607                 inline void Connect(LinearBlock * previous, LinearBlock * next)     { spxPrevious = previous; spxNext = next; } 
01609                 inline void Delete() 
01610                 {       
01611                     if (spxNext!=NULL)  
01612                         spxNext->spxPrevious = spxPrevious;
01613                     if (spxPrevious!=NULL)  
01614                         spxPrevious->spxNext = spxNext;
01616                     spxNext = spxPrevious = NULL; 
01617                     delete this;
01618                 }
01621                 inline LinearBlock<size> * GoFirst()    {  LinearBlock<size>* pNode = this; while (pNode->spxPrevious != NULL) pNode = spxPrevious; return pNode; }
01623                 inline LinearBlock<size> * GoLast()     {  LinearBlock<size>* pNode = this; while (pNode->spxNext != NULL) pNode = spxNext; return pNode; }
01627                 inline bool CreateNewBlock()
01628                 {   
01629                     if (spxNext!=NULL) return false;
01630                     LinearBlock<size>* pNode = new LinearBlock<size>(this, NULL);
01631                     if (pNode == NULL) return false; 
01632                     else               spxNext = pNode;
01633                     return true;
01634                 }
01637                 inline Node * GetData()     {   return &sapxBlock[0]; }
01639                 LinearBlock<size> * Find(Node * pNode)
01640                 { 
01641                     if (pNode==NULL) return NULL; 
01642                     LinearBlock<size> * pBlock = GoFirst(); 
01643                     LinearBlock<size> * pEnd = GoLast();
01644                     for (; pBlock != pEnd; pBlock = pBlock->spxNext)
01645                           if ( pNode >= pBlock->GetData() && pNode <= pBlock->GetData() + size) return pBlock;
01646                     return NULL;
01647                 }
01649             private:
01656                 bool DeleteAll() 
01657                 { 
01658                     LinearBlock<size>* pNode2, *pNode = GoFirst(); 
01659                     if (pNode == NULL) return false;
01660                     if (pNode->spxNext == NULL) 
01661                     {
01662                         pNode->Delete();
01663                         pNode = NULL;
01664                         return true;
01665                     }
01667                     // Goto second pointer until next pointer is different from null , advance to next
01668                     for (; pNode != NULL; )
01669                     {
01670                         pNode2 = pNode->spxNext;
01671                         pNode->Delete();
01672                         pNode = pNode2;
01673                     }
01674                     return true; 
01675                 }
01676             public:
01677                 friend class ChainedList<U, pow2, SearchPolicy>;
01678             };
01680             // Members
01681         private:
01683             Node *          mpxFirst;
01685             Node *          mpxLast;
01687             mutable Node *  mpxCurrent;
01689             unsigned int    mlNumberOfNodes;
01692             unsigned int                        mlNumberOfBlocks;
01694 //          unsigned int                        mlBlockSize;
01696             LinearBlock<ChainedBS> *    mpxBlock;
01698             LinearBlock<ChainedBS> *    mpxBLast;
01700         private:
01704             bool                        mbUseBlocks;
01706             bool                        mbIntegrity;
01708             // Properties
01709         public:
01711             inline unsigned int getSize() const { return mlNumberOfNodes; }
01713             // Interface 
01714         public:
01724             bool Add(U*, const unsigned int& = ChainedEnd);
01729             bool Insert(DefaultConstParamType, const unsigned int& = ChainedStart);
01736             bool Sub(const unsigned int& = ChainedEnd);
01741             bool Remove(const unsigned int& = ChainedStart);
01747             unsigned int indexOf(DefaultConstParamType);
01752             unsigned int lastIndexOf(DefaultConstParamType);
01755             bool Swap(const unsigned int &, const unsigned int &);
01757             // Helpers functions
01758         private:
01760             inline Node * CreateNode();
01762             inline Node * Goto(const unsigned int &);
01764             inline bool UseBlocks(const bool &);
01766             bool Connect(Node *, Node *, Node *);
01768         public:
01772             bool Add(const ChainedList&, const unsigned int & = ChainedEnd);
01777             bool Free();
01780             bool Change(DefaultConstParamType, const unsigned int &);
01787             U * parseList(const bool & bInit = false) const;
01791             U * parseListStart(const unsigned int & uiPos = ChainedEnd) const;
01797             U * reverseParseList(const bool & bInit = false) const;
01801             U * reverseParseListStart(const unsigned int & uiPos = ChainedEnd) const;
01806             inline bool moveList(ChainedList & a)
01807             {
01808                 if (mlNumberOfNodes) return false;
01809                 mpxBlock = a.mpxBlock;
01810                 mpxBLast = a.mpxBLast;
01811                 mpxFirst = a.mpxFirst;
01812                 mpxLast = a.mpxLast;
01813                 mpxCurrent = a.mpxCurrent;
01814                 mlNumberOfNodes = a.mlNumberOfNodes;
01815                 mlNumberOfBlocks = a.mlNumberOfBlocks;
01816                 mbUseBlocks = a.mbUseBlocks;
01817                 mbIntegrity = a.mbIntegrity;
01819                 a.mpxBlock = a.mpxBLast = NULL;
01820                 a.mpxFirst = a.mpxLast = a.mpxCurrent = NULL;
01821                 a.mlNumberOfNodes = a.mlNumberOfBlocks = 0;
01822                 a.mbIntegrity = true;
01823                 return true;
01824             }
01828             inline bool moveAppendedList(ChainedList & a)
01829             {
01830                 if (mlNumberOfNodes) 
01831                 {
01832                     if (!a.Add(*this, ChainedStart)) return false;
01833                 }
01834                 mpxBlock = a.mpxBlock;
01835                 mpxBLast = a.mpxBLast;
01836                 mpxFirst = a.mpxFirst;
01837                 mpxLast = a.mpxLast;
01838                 mpxCurrent = a.mpxCurrent;
01839                 mlNumberOfNodes = a.mlNumberOfNodes;
01840                 mlNumberOfBlocks = a.mlNumberOfBlocks;
01841                 mbUseBlocks = a.mbUseBlocks;
01842                 mbIntegrity = a.mbIntegrity;
01844                 a.mpxBlock = a.mpxBLast = NULL;
01845                 a.mpxFirst = a.mpxLast = a.mpxCurrent = NULL;
01846                 a.mlNumberOfNodes = a.mlNumberOfBlocks = 0;
01847                 a.mbIntegrity = true;
01848                 return true;
01849             }
01852             // Operators 
01853         public:
01858             inline typename SearchPolicy::Result operator [] (const unsigned int &i)                  
01859             {   Node * pNode = Goto(i); 
01860                 if (pNode == NULL)    return SearchPolicy::DefaultValue();  
01861                 return SearchPolicy::From(pNode->mpuElement); 
01862             }
01865             inline ChainedList& operator += (DefaultConstParamType a)       { this->Add(a); return (*this); }
01867             inline ChainedList& operator -= (DefaultConstParamType a)       { unsigned int i = this->lastIndexOf(a); if (i!=ChainedEnd) this->Sub(i); return (*this); }
01871             inline ChainedList& operator += (const ChainedList& a)  { this->Add(a); return (*this); }
01874             // Disallowed here
01875         private:
01877             ChainedList(const ChainedList &);
01879             inline ChainedList& operator = (const ChainedList& );
01881             inline ChainedList& operator + (const ChainedList& a) const;
01883             inline ChainedList operator + (const U & a) const;
01884             inline ChainedList operator - (const U & a) const;
01885             bool Add(const U&, const unsigned int& = ChainedEnd);
01888             // Construction
01889         public:
01891             ChainedList();
01893             ~ChainedList();
01894         };
01897         // Inclusion for template definition, and implementation (it's too big to be implemented here)
01898         #define NotCopyable  
01899         #include "template/ChainedList.hpp"
01900         #undef NotCopyable
01901     }
01905     template <typename T>
01906     struct NotConstructible
01907     {
01914         typedef ::Container::PrivateNotConstructibleImplementation::ChainedList<T, 0, NotConstructiblePolicy::SearchPolicy<T> > ChainedList;
01915     };
01918 }
01921 #endif

(C) An X-Ryl669 project 2007

This document describes Unlimited Zooming Interface source code. UZI stands for Unlimited Zooming Interface, and source code license is