
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 namespace DOM
00002 {
00004     typedef unsigned long long DOMTimeStamp;
00006     namespace HTML
00007     {
00009     }
00011     namespace XML
00012     {
00014     }
00015 }
00017 #if 0
00019 #define Attribute(TYPE, NAME) \
00020     protected: TYPE NAME;\
00021     public: inline const TYPE & NAME() const throw() { return NAME; } \
00022     public: inline void NAME(const TYPE & __name) throw() { NAME = __name; } 
00024 #define ExceptionAttribute(TYPE, NAME, Excp) \
00025     protected: TYPE NAME;\
00026     public: inline const TYPE & NAME() const throw() { return NAME; } \
00027     public: inline void NAME(const TYPE & __name) throw(Excp); 
00029 #define ConstAttribute(TYPE, NAME) \
00030     protected: const TYPE NAME;\
00031     public: inline const TYPE & NAME() const throw() { return NAME; } 
00040     class HTMLCollection 
00041     {
00042     protected:
00044         const unsigned long  length;
00045     public:
00047         const unsigned long & length() const { return length; }
00055         Node               item(const unsigned long & index) const throw();
00064         Node               namedItem(const DOMString & name) const throw();
00065     };
00074     class HTMLOptionsCollection 
00075     {
00076     protected:
00078         const unsigned long  length;
00079     public:
00081         const unsigned long & length() const { return length; }
00083         void length(const unsigned long len) throw(DOMException);
00090         Node               item(const unsigned long & index) const throw();
00099         Node               namedItem(const DOMString & name) const throw();
00100     };
00121     class HTMLDocument : public Document 
00122     {
00124         Attribute(DOMString, title)
00127         ConstAttribute(DOMString, referrer)
00129         ConstAttribute(DOMString, domain)
00131         ConstAttribute(DOMString, URL)
00135         Attribute(HTMLElement, body)
00143         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, images)
00145         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, applets)
00147         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, links)
00149         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, forms)
00157         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, anchors)
00188         ExceptionAttribute(DOMString, cookie, DOMException)
00190     public:
00196         void               open() throw();
00198         void               close() throw();
00205         void               write(const DOMString & text) throw();
00212         void               writeln(const DOMString & text) throw();
00220         NodeList           getElementsByName(const DOMString & elementName) const throw();
00221     };
00234     class HTMLElement : public Element 
00235     {
00237        Attribute(DOMString, id)
00239        Attribute(DOMString, title)
00241        Attribute(DOMString, lang)
00243        Attribute(DOMString, dir)
00247        Attribute(DOMString, className)
00248     };
00251     class HTMLHtmlElement : public HTMLElement 
00252     {
00254         Attribute(DOMString, version)
00255     };
00258     class HTMLHeadElement : public HTMLElement 
00259     {
00261         Attribute(DOMString, profile)
00262     };
00267     class HTMLLinkElement : public HTMLElement 
00268     {
00270         Attribute(bool, disabled)
00272         Attribute(DOMString, charset)
00274         Attribute(DOMString, href)
00276         Attribute(DOMString, hreflang)
00278         Attribute(DOMString, media)
00280         Attribute(DOMString, rel)
00282         Attribute(DOMString, rev)
00284         Attribute(DOMString, target)
00286         Attribute(DOMString, type)
00287     };
00291     class HTMLTitleElement : public HTMLElement 
00292     {
00294         Attribute(DOMString, text)
00295     };
00298     class HTMLMetaElement : public HTMLElement 
00299     {
00301         Attribute(DOMString, content)
00303         Attribute(DOMString, httpEquiv)
00305         Attribute(DOMString, name)
00307         Attribute(DOMString, scheme)
00308     };
00311     class HTMLBaseElement : public HTMLElement 
00312     {
00314         Attribute(DOMString, href)
00316         Attribute(DOMString, target)
00317     };           
00324     class HTMLIsIndexElement : public HTMLElement 
00325     {
00327         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
00329         Attribute(DOMString, prompt)
00330     };
00336     class HTMLStyleElement : public HTMLElement 
00337     {
00339         Attribute(bool, disabled)
00341         Attribute(DOMString, media)
00343         Attribute(DOMString, type)
00344     };
00352     class HTMLBodyElement : public HTMLElement 
00353     {
00356         Attribute(DOMString, aLink)
00359         Attribute(DOMString, background)
00362         Attribute(DOMString, bgColor)
00365         Attribute(DOMString, link)
00368         Attribute(DOMString, text)
00371         Attribute(DOMString, vLink)
00372     };
00378     class HTMLFormElement : public HTMLElement 
00379     {
00381         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, elements)
00383         ConstAttribute(long, length)
00385         Attribute(DOMString, name)
00387         Attribute(DOMString, acceptCharset)
00389         Attribute(DOMString, action)
00395         Attribute(DOMString, enctype)
00397         Attribute(DOMString, method)
00399         Attribute(DOMString, target)
00400     public:
00402         void submit() throw();
00404         void reset() throw();
00405     };
00411     class HTMLSelectElement : public HTMLElement 
00412     {
00415         ConstAttribute(DOMString, type)
00419         Attribute(long, selectedIndex)
00422         Attribute(DOMString, value)
00424         ExceptionAttribute(unsigned long, length, DOMException)
00426         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
00428         ConstAttribute(HTMLOptionsCollection, options)
00430         Attribute(bool, disabled)
00432         Attribute(bool, multiple)
00434         Attribute(DOMString, name)
00436         Attribute(long, size)
00438         Attribute(long, tabIndex)
00439     public:
00450         void               add(const HTMLElement & element, const HTMLElement & before) throw(DOMException);
00456         void               remove(const long & index) throw();
00458         void               blur() throw();
00460         void               focus() throw();
00461     };
00466     class HTMLOptGroupElement : public HTMLElement 
00467     {
00469         Attribute(bool, disabled)
00471         Attribute(DOMString, label)
00472     };
00475     class HTMLOptionElement : public HTMLElement 
00476     {
00479         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
00484         Attribute(bool, defaultSelected)
00486         ConstAttribute(DOMString, text)
00488         ConstAttribute(long, index)
00491         Attribute(bool, disabled)
00494         Attribute(DOMString, label)
00498         Attribute(bool, selected)
00501         Attribute(DOMString, value)
00502     };
00513     class HTMLInputElement : public HTMLElement 
00514     {
00520         Attribute(DOMString, defaultValue)
00525         Attribute(bool, defaultChecked)
00528         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
00531         Attribute(DOMString, accept)
00534         Attribute(DOMString, accessKey)
00538         Attribute(DOMString, align)
00541         Attribute(DOMString, alt)
00555         Attribute(bool, checked)
00558         Attribute(bool, disabled)
00561         Attribute(long, maxLength)
00564         Attribute(DOMString, name)
00568         Attribute(bool, readOnly)
00572         Attribute(unsigned long, size)
00576         Attribute(DOMString, src)
00579         Attribute(long, tabIndex)
00582         Attribute(DOMString, type)
00585         Attribute(DOMString, useMap)
00594         Attribute(DOMString, value)
00595     public:
00597         void               blur() throw();
00599         void               focus() throw();
00603         void               select() throw();
00607         void               click() throw();
00608     };
00611     class HTMLTextAreaElement : public HTMLElement 
00612     {
00616         Attribute(DOMString, defaultValue)
00619         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
00622         Attribute(DOMString, accessKey)
00625         Attribute(long, cols)
00628         Attribute(bool, disabled)
00631         Attribute(DOMString, name)
00634         Attribute(boolean, readOnly)
00637         Attribute(long, rows)
00640         Attribute(long, tabIndex)
00643         ConstAttribute(DOMString, type)
00649         Attribute(DOMString, value)
00650     public:
00652         void               blur() throw();
00654         void               focus() throw();
00656         void               select() throw();
00657     };
00662     class HTMLButtonElement : public HTMLElement 
00663     {
00666         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
00669         Attribute(DOMString, accessKey)
00672         Attribute(bool, disabled)
00675         Attribute(DOMString, name)
00678         Attribute(long, tabIndex)
00681         ConstAttribute(DOMString, type)
00684         Attribute(DOMString, value)
00685     };
00689     class HTMLLabelElement : public HTMLElement 
00690     {
00693         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
00696         Attribute(DOMString, accessKey)
00699         Attribute(DOMString, htmlFor)
00700     };
00705     class HTMLFieldSetElement : public HTMLElement 
00706     {
00709         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
00710     };
00716     class HTMLLegendElement : public HTMLElement 
00717     {
00720         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
00723         Attribute(DOMString, accessKey)
00727         Attribute(DOMString, align)
00728     };
00734     class HTMLUListElement : public HTMLElement 
00735     {
00738         Attribute(bool, compact)
00741         Attribute(DOMString, type)
00742     };
00748     class HTMLOListElement : public HTMLElement 
00749     {
00752         Attribute(bool, compact)
00754         Attribute(long, start)
00757         Attribute(DOMString, type)
00758     };
00764     class HTMLDListElement : public HTMLElement 
00765     {
00768         Attribute(bool, compact)
00769     };
00775     class HTMLDirectoryElement : public HTMLElement 
00776     {
00779         Attribute(bool, compact)
00780     };
00786     class HTMLMenuElement : public HTMLElement 
00787     {
00790         Attribute(bool, compact)
00791     };
00797     class HTMLLIElement : public HTMLElement 
00798     {
00801         Attribute(DOMString, type)
00804         Attribute(long, value)
00805     };
00811     class HTMLDivElement : public HTMLElement 
00812     {
00815         Attribute(DOMString, align)
00816     };
00822     class HTMLParagraphElement : public HTMLElement 
00823     {
00826         Attribute(DOMString, align)
00827     };
00833     class HTMLHeadingElement : public HTMLElement 
00834     {
00837         Attribute(DOMString, align)
00838     };
00842     class HTMLQuoteElement : public HTMLElement 
00843     {
00846         Attribute(DOMString, cite)
00847     };
00853     class HTMLPreElement : public HTMLElement 
00854     {
00857         Attribute(long, width)
00858     };
00864     class HTMLBRElement : public HTMLElement 
00865     {
00868         Attribute(DOMString, clear)
00869     };
00876     class HTMLBaseFontElement : public HTMLElement 
00877     {
00880         Attribute(DOMString, color)
00883         Attribute(DOMString, face)
00886         Attribute(long, size)
00887     };
00893     class HTMLFontElement : public HTMLElement 
00894     {
00897         Attribute(DOMString, color)
00900         Attribute(DOMString, face)
00903         Attribute(long, size)
00904     };
00910     class HTMLHRElement : public HTMLElement 
00911     {
00914         Attribute(DOMString, align)
00917         Attribute(bool, noShade)
00920         Attribute(DOMString, size)
00923         Attribute(DOMString, width)
00924     };
00929     class HTMLModElement : public HTMLElement 
00930     {
00933         Attribute(DOMString, cite)
00936         Attribute(DOMString, dateTime)
00937     };
00942     class HTMLAnchorElement : public HTMLElement 
00943     {
00946         Attribute(DOMString, accessKey)
00949         Attribute(DOMString, charset)
00953         Attribute(DOMString, coords)
00956         Attribute(DOMString, href)
00959         Attribute(DOMString, hreflang)
00962         Attribute(DOMString, name)
00965         Attribute(DOMString, rel)
00968         Attribute(DOMString, rev)
00972         Attribute(DOMString, shape)
00975         Attribute(long, tabIndex)
00978         Attribute(DOMString, target)
00981         ConstAttribute(DOMString, type)
00983     public:
00985         void               blur() throw();
00987         void               focus() throw();
00988     };
00992     class HTMLImageElement : public HTMLElement 
00993     {
00995         Attribute(DOMString, name)
00999         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01002         Attribute(DOMString, alt)
01007         Attribute(DOMString, border)
01011         Attribute(long, height)
01016         Attribute(long, hspace)
01019         Attribute(bool, isMap)
01022         Attribute(DOMString, longDesc)
01025         Attribute(DOMString, src)
01028         Attribute(DOMString, useMap)
01033         Attribute(long, vspace)
01037         Attribute(long, width)
01038     };
01045     class HTMLObjectElement : public HTMLElement 
01046     {
01049         ConstAttribute(HTMLFormElement, form)
01052         Attribute(DOMString, code)
01056         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01059         Attribute(DOMString, archive)
01064         Attribute(DOMString, border)
01067         Attribute(DOMString, codeBase)
01070         Attribute(DOMString, codeType)
01073         Attribute(DOMString, data)
01076         Attribute(bool, declare)
01080         Attribute(long, height)
01084         Attribute(long, hspace)
01087         Attribute(DOMString, name)
01090         Attribute(DOMString, standby)
01093         Attribute(long, tabIndex)
01096         Attribute(DOMString, type)
01099         Attribute(DOMString, useMap)
01103         Attribute(long, vspace)
01106         Attribute(long, width)
01108         ConstAttribute(Document, contentDocument)
01109     };
01114     class HTMLParamElement : public HTMLElement 
01115     {
01118         Attribute(DOMString, name)
01121         Attribute(DOMString, type)
01124         Attribute(DOMString, value)
01127         Attribute(DOMString, valueType)
01128     };
01134     class HTMLAppletElement : public HTMLElement 
01135     {
01138         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01141         Attribute(DOMString, alt)
01144         Attribute(DOMString, archive)
01147         Attribute(DOMString, code)
01150         Attribute(DOMString, codeBase)
01153         Attribute(DOMString, height)
01156         Attribute(long, hspace)
01159         Attribute(DOMString, name)
01162         Attribute(DOMString, object)
01165         Attribute(long, vspace)
01168         Attribute(DOMString, width)
01169     };
01174     class HTMLMapElement : public HTMLElement 
01175     {
01177         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, areas)
01180         Attribute(DOMString, name)
01181     };
01186     class HTMLAreaElement : public HTMLElement 
01187     {
01190         Attribute(DOMString, accessKey)
01193         Attribute(DOMString, alt)
01197         Attribute(DOMString, coords)
01200         Attribute(DOMString, href)
01203         Attribute(bool, noHref)
01206         Attribute(DOMString, shape)
01209         Attribute(long, tabIndex)
01212         Attribute(DOMString, target)
01213     };
01218     class HTMLScriptElement : public HTMLElement 
01219     {
01221         Attribute(DOMString, text)
01223         Attribute(DOMString, htmlFor)
01225         Attribute(DOMString, event)
01228         Attribute(DOMString, charset)
01231         Attribute(bool, defer)
01234         Attribute(DOMString, src)
01237         Attribute(DOMString, type)
01238     };
01246     class HTMLTableElement : public HTMLElement 
01247     {
01250         ExceptionAttribute(HTMLTableCaptionElement, caption, DOMException)
01253         ExceptionAttribute(HTMLTableSectionElement, tHead, DOMException)
01256         ExceptionAttribute(HTMLTableSectionElement, tFoot, DOMException)
01258         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, rows)
01260         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, tBodies)
01264         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01268         Attribute(DOMString, bgColor)
01271         Attribute(DOMString, border)
01274         Attribute(DOMString, cellPadding)
01277         Attribute(DOMString, cellSpacing)
01280         Attribute(DOMString, frame)
01283         Attribute(DOMString, rules)
01286         Attribute(DOMString, summary)
01289         Attribute(DOMString, width)
01290     public:
01293         HTMLElement        createTHead() throw();
01295         void               deleteTHead() throw();
01298         HTMLElement        createTFoot() throw();
01300         void               deleteTFoot() throw();
01303         HTMLElement        createCaption() throw();
01305         void               deleteCaption() throw();
01316         HTMLElement        insertRow(const long & index) throw(DOMException);
01322         void               deleteRow(const long & index) throw(DOMException);
01323     };
01328     class HTMLTableCaptionElement : public HTMLElement 
01329     {
01333         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01334     };
01339     class HTMLTableColElement : public HTMLElement 
01340     {
01343         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01346         Attribute(DOMString, ch)
01349         Attribute(DOMString, chOff)
01352         Attribute(long, span)
01355         Attribute(DOMString, vAlign)
01358         Attribute(DOMString, width)
01359     };
01362     class HTMLTableSectionElement : public HTMLElement 
01363     {
01366         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01369         Attribute(DOMString, ch)
01372         Attribute(DOMString, chOff)
01375         Attribute(DOMString, vAlign)
01377         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, rows)
01378     public:
01387         HTMLElement        insertRow(const long & index) throw(DOMException);
01393         void               deleteRow(const long & index) throw(DOMException);
01394     };
01398     class HTMLTableRowElement : public HTMLElement 
01399     {
01403         ConstAttribute(long, rowIndex)
01405         ConstAttribute(long, sectionRowIndex)
01407         ConstAttribute(HTMLCollection, cells)
01410         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01414         Attribute(DOMString, bgColor)
01417         Attribute(DOMString, ch)
01420         Attribute(DOMString, chOff)
01423         Attribute(DOMString, vAlign)
01424     public:
01431         HTMLElement        insertCell(const long & index) throw(DOMException);
01436         void               deleteCell(const long & index) throw(DOMException);
01437     };
01442     class HTMLTableCellElement : public HTMLElement 
01443     {
01446         ConstAttribute(long, cellIndex)
01449         Attribute(DOMString, abbr)
01452         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01455         Attribute(DOMString, axis)
01459         Attribute(DOMString, bgColor)
01462         Attribute(DOMString, ch)
01465         Attribute(DOMString, chOff)
01468         Attribute(long, colSpan)
01471         Attribute(DOMString, headers)
01475         Attribute(DOMString, height)
01479         Attribute(bool, noWrap)
01482         Attribute(long, rowSpan)
01485         Attribute(DOMString, scope)
01488         Attribute(DOMString, vAlign)
01492         Attribute(DOMString, width)
01493     };
01498     class HTMLFrameSetElement : public HTMLElement 
01499     {
01502         Attribute(DOMString, cols)
01505         Attribute(DOMString, rows)
01506     };
01511     class HTMLFrameElement : public HTMLElement 
01512     {
01515         Attribute(DOMString, frameBorder)
01518         Attribute(DOMString, longDesc)
01521         Attribute(DOMString, marginHeight)
01524         Attribute(DOMString, marginWidth)
01527         Attribute(DOMString, name)
01530         Attribute(bool, noResize)
01533         Attribute(DOMString, scrolling)
01536         Attribute(DOMString, src)
01538         ConstAttribute(Document, contentDocument)
01539     };
01544     class HTMLIFrameElement : public HTMLElement 
01545     {
01549         Attribute(DOMString, align)
01552         Attribute(DOMString, frameBorder)
01555         Attribute(DOMString, height)
01558         Attribute(DOMString, longDesc)
01561         Attribute(DOMString, marginHeight)
01564         Attribute(DOMString, marginWidth)
01567         Attribute(DOMString, name)
01570         Attribute(DOMString, scrolling)
01573         Attribute(DOMString, src)
01576         Attribute(DOMString, width)
01578         ConstAttribute(Document, contentDocument)
01579     };
01581 }
01583 namespace DOM
01584 {
01586 };
01588 #endif

(C) An X-Ryl669 project 2007

This document describes Unlimited Zooming Interface source code. UZI stands for Unlimited Zooming Interface, and source code license is